In the middle of March, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) convened an international technical seminar on nitrogen fertilizers in Beijing. The Department of Chemicals of the province and the Taicang Chemical Fertilizer Plant also sent representatives to attend the meeting. According to the schedule of the meeting, the foreign guests arrived at the Taicang Fertilizer Plant on March 26 for a visit. The visit to Taicang was conducted by the Senior Regional Advisor of UNIDO, Sr Wenste Pfeiffer (Poles), including Australia, Peru, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Jordan, Mexico, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Twenty-one delegates and experts from 17 countries including the Sudan, Thailand, Zambia, Romania, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. During the visits and inspections, the foreign guests were very interested and allegedly left a good impression. Foreign guests are very concerned about synthetic ammonia