惠风和畅,是过去一年朝鲜半岛局势的生动写照。 2001年6月13日至15日,朝韩双方在平壤举行了半岛分裂55年以来的第一次首脑会晤,并共同签署了《北南共同宣言》;8月15日和11月30日,分离了半个世纪的朝韩离散家属实现了两次团聚,使平壤和汉城沉浸在喜悦的泪海之中;9月15日,在悉尼奥运会开幕仪式上,朝韩运动员打着相同的旗帜——朝鲜半岛旗携手走进主会场,引起与会观众如潮般的掌声和欢呼;10月13日,挪威诺贝尔委员会宣布,把当年的诺贝尔和平奖授予韩国总统金大中,以表彰他在促进朝鲜半岛和解方面所做出的贡献。
It is a vivid portrayal of the situation in the Korean Peninsula over the past year. From June 13 to June 15, 2001, the two leaders held their first summit meeting in Pyongyang since 55 years and jointly signed the North-South Joint Declaration. On August 15 and November 30, Separated for half a century of separated families of North and South Korea to achieve two reunions, so that Pyongyang and Seoul immersed in the tears of joy; September 15, Sydney Olympic Games opening ceremony, North and South Korean athletes on the same banner - - The Korean Peninsula flag walked hand in hand into the main venue, causing applause and cheers from the audience. On October 13, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that it awarded the then Nobel Peace Prize to ROK President Kim Dae-jung in recognition of his admiration for North Korea Peninsula reconciliation made by the contribution.