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在我国经济建设发展常态下,构建开放型新格局旅游产业是必然之路,内蒙古自治区作为我国北部区域民族代表性的地区,在多元化发展背景下,且具有强烈的民族区域发展重要作用。尤其是旅游业的建设连接了周边国家的旅游产业链,从而促进了旅游业成为我国国民经济收入的重要组成部分,也推动了国民经济发展的新高点。我国地大物博,其中旅游资源极其丰富,每个地区的旅游资源又具有民族区域的特点,延绵不断地吸引着众多国内外的游客到中国来旅游和消费,随着旅游业自身体系的不断壮大,已经发展成为集旅游观光、居民体验、民族特色纪念品、民族地区风俗演绎事业、民族区域旅游推送本地的人文思想旅游基地等等多元化旅游发展吸引形式,这些基于地域和人文优势的特点,促进了内蒙古区域旅游业的全面发展新动力。 Under the normal development of our country’s economic construction and development, it is an inevitable way to build a tourism industry with a new pattern of opening up. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as an ethnic representative area in the northern part of our country, plays an important role in the development of the national minority under the background of diversified development. In particular, the construction of tourism links the tourism industry chains of neighboring countries, thus promoting the tourism industry as an important part of the national economy income of our country and also pushing the new high point of national economic development. The vast territory of our country is rich in natural resources, of which the tourism resources are extremely rich. The tourism resources in each region have the characteristics of ethnic regions. They are constantly attracting many tourists both at home and abroad to travel and consume in China. As the system of tourism itself continues to grow, Developed into a tourism attraction, tourism experience, ethnic characteristics souvenirs, ethnically regional customs deduction, ethnic regional tourism push local humanistic tourism base and so on diversified tourism development to attract the form of these advantages based on geographical and cultural features to promote the Inner Mongolia The New Impetus of All-round Development of Regional Tourism.
5月18日晚,第十五届徐霞客开游节开幕式暨“诗画浙江”惠民旅游周启动仪式在中国旅游日发祥地宁海举行。  今年开游节期间,“霞客杯”青年创客民宿设计大赛暨长三角民宿产业论坛、第三批“徐霞客游线标志地”终审答辩会、旅行商大会、“读万卷书,行万里路”百所高校大学生寻訪徐霞客足迹等一系列活动,将为打造霞客游线品牌、开展合作共赢摇旗呐喊。  开幕式上同时还举行了第三批“游线标志地”颁证和第七届“中国当代徐霞