本研究做了中度弱智学生语文学科能力的调查 ,目的是了解该类学生语文能力获得的顺序和结果。调查按照语文能力分为听、说、读、写四个部分 ,采用自编测试工具进行。被试来源于上海市 5所辅读学校 1 -9年级的中度弱智学生。结果显示 :学生的听、说、读、写能力总体随教育程度的提高呈上升趋势 ,但不同年级段的不同项目间存在着差异。
This study did a survey on the ability of Chinese students with moderate mentally handicapped to understand the sequence and the result of their language proficiency. The investigation is divided into four parts: listening, speaking, reading and writing according to the language proficiency. The testing tools are self-compiled. The participants were moderately mentally handicapped students from grade 1 to grade 9 in five supplementary schools in Shanghai. The results show that the listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities of students generally increase with the improvement of education level, but there are differences among different items in different grades.