毛地黄(英文名Foxglove),为玄参科,毛地黄属,该属约20种。二年生或多年生草本植物,主要原产欧洲、北非和西亚。毛地黄是初夏园林花园内良好的花卉材料,所有的种类均有迷人的管状唇形花冠组成的总状花序装点着花园。毛地黄(Digitalis purpurea‘Foxy’)为最常见的种类,二年生花卉,株高包括花序,根据不同品种而异,约50~150厘米。毛地黄原产英国自然分布较广,包括太平洋的西北部以及新西兰的丛林边缘、开阔的草甸等夏季凉爽的地
Foxglove (English name Foxglove) is Scrophulariaceae, and Foxglove is a genus of about 20 species. A biennial or perennial herb, native to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. Foxglove is a good flower material in garden gardens in early summer. All the species are decorated with a flower-shaped racemary consisting of a tubular crown. Foxtail (Digitalis purpurea ‘Foxy’) is the most common species. It is a biennial flower. Its plant height includes inflorescences, varying from species to species, and is about 50 to 150 cm. The natural origin of Foxglove is widely distributed in the United Kingdom, including the northwestern Pacific Ocean and the summer coollands of New Zealand, including the edges of the jungle and open meadows.