
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxl2000
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Alarm flood is one of the main problems in the alarm systems of industrial process. Alarm root-cause analysis and alarm prioritization are good for alarm flood reduction. This paper proposes a systematic rationalization method for multivariate correlated alarms to realize the root cause analysis and alarm prioritization. An information fusion based interpretive structural model is constructed according to the data-driven partial correlation coefficient calculation and process knowledge modification. This hierarchical multi-layer model is helpful in abnormality propagation path identification and root-cause analysis. Revised Likert scale method is adopted to determine the alarm priority and reduce the blindness of alarm handling. As a case study, the Tennessee Eastman process is utilized to show the effectiveness and validity of proposed approach. Alarm system performance comparison shows that our rationalization methodology can reduce the alarm flood to some extent and improve the performance. Alarm root is one of the main problems in the alarm systems of industrial process. This paper proposes a systematic rationalization method for multivariate correlated alarms to realize the root cause analysis and alarm prioritization. An information fusion based interpretive structural model is constructed according to the data-driven partial correlation coefficient calculation and process knowledge modification. This hierarchical multi-layer model is helpful in abnormal propagation path identification and root-cause analysis. adopted a method to determine the alarm priority and reduce the blindness of alarm handling. As a case study, the Tennessee Eastman process is utilized to show the effectiveness and validity of proposed approach. some extent and improve the perf ormance.
目前全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)信号捕获技术研究较多,但缺少系统地分类、总结和性能比较,为此,按照时域串行捕获、频域并行捕获两个分类标准
在物联网、车联网、大数据以及云应用等概念的不断催化下,具有更快传输速率、更高负载的CAN FD通信协议应运而生。CAN FD由经典CAN协议升级而来,但由于在数据链路层作了关键