二 桑塔纳也有质量缺陷问题? 这不是对“外国来的东西都好”的讽刺? 前几年,出租司机反映,行驶2~3万千米,离合器踏板重的现象明显增加,操作困难,出现早期损坏现象。 于是,离合器踏板重成了桑车头号质量问题。是什么原因造成的呢? 1993年7月,陆吉安总裁得知此事,在一份报告中批示道:“抓紧突破,解决用户的意见,对此事,第一胆要大些,要敢于承担责任;第二要有科学态度,严格鉴定。” 离合器踏板重,操纵系统早期损坏的质量问题被摆
Second, Santana also has quality defects? This is not a “foreign things are good,” the irony? A few years ago, the taxi driver said that driving 2 to 30,000 km, the phenomenon of clutch pedal weight increased significantly, operating difficulties, early damage phenomenon. As a result, the clutch pedal has become the number one quality Mulberry. What causes it? In July 1993, Lu Ji’an president learned of the matter, in a report, said: “Grasp the breakthrough to solve the user’s opinion on the matter, the first courage to be more daring Bear the responsibility of the second to have a scientific attitude, rigorous appraisal. ”Clutch pedal, the quality of the early damage to the control system was put