创新科技 推动疫苗安全生产——GE医疗助力辽宁成大生物股份公司疫苗生产与国际接轨

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据卫生部《中国狂犬病防治状况》指出,2008年中国狂犬病发病例达2466例,近几年来一直维持在年均2400人以上,仅次于印度,位居全球第二。狂犬疫苗属于二类疫苗,是自费接种疫苗。近年来中国犬、猫的饲养量快速增加,虽然我国目前的宠物犬数量已达1.5亿只,而动物狂犬病平均免疫率与国际公认的75%的免疫覆盖率差距甚大.可见,我国目前对狂犬疫苗有着巨大的市场需求,同时随着 According to the “Status of Rabies Prevention and Control in China” issued by the Ministry of Health, 2466 cases of rabies in China in 2008 have been maintained at an average annual rate of over 2,400 in recent years, second only to India and the second highest in the world. Rabies vaccines belong to the second category of vaccines, vaccination at their own expense. In recent years, the breeds of dogs and cats in China have rapidly increased, although the number of pet dogs in China has reached 150 million at present, while the average rabies immunization rate is very different from the internationally accepted 75% coverage rate. Vaccine has a huge market demand, along with