4月1日Papers in Regional Science杂志(SCI和SSCI)主编、荷兰Groningen大学空间科学学院Jouke van Dijk教授一行访问中国人民大学经济学院。之后,Jouke van Dijk教授在明德主楼734会议室作了题为《DidDecentralization Stimulated Dutch Municipalities to Become More Efficient in Managing the Costs ofSocial Assistance?》的主题学术报告。4月5日温州市人民政府陈金彪市长受温州市委、市政府委托,赴杭召开温州市金融综合改革试验区实施方案座谈会。浙江大学经济学院史晋川、金雪军和王维安3位教授参加
April 1 Papers in Regional Science magazine (SCI and SSCI) editor-in-chief, Netherlands Groningen University School of Space Science Professor Jouke van Dijk visited Renmin University of China School of economics. Later, Prof. Jouke van Dijk gave a keynote speech entitled “DidDecentralization of Stimulated Dutch Municipalities to Become More More Effective in Managing the Costs of Social Assistance?” In the Main Building, Room 734, Mingde. On May 5, Mayor Chen Jinbiao of Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government was commissioned by Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to go to Hangzhou to hold a symposium on the implementation plan of Wenzhou’s financial reform pilot area. Zhejiang University School of Economics Shi Jinchuan, Jin Xuejun and Wang Weian three professors to participate