最近我科采用转移因子雾化吸入法治疗慢性咽炎30例,效果显著,现报告如下。资料与方法本文30例均具有咽痛,咽喉异物感症和咽粘膜充血,咽后壁淋巴滤泡增生症状及体征。治疗前均行各种检查排除咽喉部其他病变。选用晶体管超声雾化器,每次用1支冻干人淋巴细胞转移因子(3u),溶解后与无菌生理盐水约100ml同时加入雾化器中。 1个疗程为4~5次,每次15分钟左右。一般治疗1~2个疗程。治疗结果我们将咽痛或咽异物感及咽粘膜充血或咽后壁淋巴滤泡增生明显减轻或完全消失者为显效;减轻或发作次数少者为好转,无改善者为无效。其
Recently, we use the transfer factor atomization inhalation treatment of chronic pharyngitis in 30 cases, the effect is significant, are as follows. Materials and Methods All 30 cases have sore throat, throat foreign body sensation and pharyngeal mucosal congestion, lymphopharyngeal wall follicular hyperplasia symptoms and signs. Before treatment, various tests were performed to exclude other lesions of the throat. Select the transistor ultrasonic nebulizer, each with a lyophilized lymphocyte transfer factor (3u), dissolved with sterile saline and about 100ml at the same time added to the nebulizer. A course of 4 to 5 times, each about 15 minutes. General treatment of 1 to 2 courses. Treatment outcome We will sore throat or pharyngeal foreign body sensation and pharyngeal mucosal congestion or pharyngeal lymphoid follicular hyperplasia significantly reduced or completely disappeared were markedly effective; alleviate or attack fewer times for the improvement, no improvement is ineffective. its