为了不失时机地抓住西部大开发的历史机遇,吸引国外和省外的先进技术、管理经验、人才、资金和企业参与我省的开发建设,加快本省经济和社会的全面发展,特制定此政策。 第一章 市场准入政策 第一条 允许外商在甘肃省行政区域内除国家实行特殊管理区域外的任何地方投资兴办符合国家和甘肃省产业政策的项目。
In order to seize the opportune moment to seize the historic opportunity of the great development of the western region and attract the advanced technologies and management experience from foreign and other provinces, talents, funds and enterprises to participate in the development and construction of our province and speed up the economic and social development in our province, this policy is formulated. Chapter 1 Market Access Policies Article 1 Foreign investors are allowed to invest and establish projects in line with the industrial policies of the state and Gansu Province in any administrative region of Gansu Province except those areas under the special management of the state.