Discussion Teaching Design of Innovative Entrepreneurship Education

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  Abstract: By drawing on the experience and skills of entrepreneurship education at home and abroad, the author applies the idea of innovation and entrepreneurship to the classroom teaching design of entrepreneurship education, and fosters students to become entrepreneurial learners. Not only entrepreneurship education classroom can be used to innovate entrepreneurial thinking way sub-module design, the traditional classroom can also learn from the use to enhance students' interest in learning and cultivate students thinking and ability of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  Key words: innovative entrepreneurial thinking, entrepreneurial education, classroom design
  At present, the introduction of innovation in the United States Babson College
  based on the practice of entrepreneurship teaching method, the British National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center innovative teaching method and based on the experience of the five-step entrepreneurial teaching methods and other methods into the innovative business classroom, in order to enable students to understand the basic thinking of entrepreneurship , Methodology and tools, master the purpose of thinking based on entrepreneurial thinking. But this kind of implementation are still exploring the china research stage, the traditional classroom teaching mode is still the mainstream of innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities.
  First, the current way of teaching the traditional classroom
  Traditional classroom teachers just teach knowledge, students in the classroom to take notes in the form of teachers in the teaching process, the hotel management of the theoretical knowledge of the analysis, emphasizing the students to teach the knowledge of teachers to understand the memory. Although there are multimedia, case discussion, project-based teaching and other ways to introduce to the traditional classroom, but the effect is not good. Some theoretical knowledge students may remember when the Church, once into the actual operation, the basic operation is not. In the course of teaching, teachers take into account the level of the whole class, taught to teach their preparation before the preparation of the content, did not take into account the different levels of students and the foundation, it is difficult to achieve good teaching results. In the status of entrepreneurship education, the traditional teachers to achieve entrepreneurship education courses to flip the classroom, to achieve hierarchical education, to go the road is still very long.   At home and abroad for the education of entrepreneurship education at different levels, put forward different levels of education object, teaching objectives, teaching activities and teaching results to distinguish, but this view in the domestic implementation of unsatisfactory results. Most of the domestic entrepreneurship education colleges and universities, roughly divided into two levels: First, all students across the start of the business awareness notice classes, large classroom lectures, basically 200 to 300 a class, 4 hours - 8 hours; Second, opposite the professional students to open the basic courses of entrepreneurship, a semester 48 hours - 72 hours, teaching forms and traditional professional theory class is not very different. In the case of Yunnan Province, which is currently in the field of entrepreneurship education, most of them only take the form of the first large class lecture. The second kind of professional education is only a small number of colleges and universities, or a small number of business The
  Second, the implementation of entrepreneurship education in the process of hierarchical education
  In this regard, our understanding is that entrepreneurship education is an act, since it is an act, there must be a law feasible, there is a law that is feasible to teach. So what is entrepreneurship education in the end? Entrepreneurship education is the focus of teaching thinking and methods, entrepreneurship education needs in the theory of teaching and practice to strike a balance.
  Entrepreneurship education must be divided into different levels of education. The face of the public to carry out basic education, not to let everyone go to business, not everyone is suitable for business. The first level of the face of public entrepreneurship education, what to teach? I think the face of the public's universal entrepreneurship education, the goal of education is to let the public form a business thinking, knowledge of entrepreneurship, while understanding the basis and content of entrepreneurship, to help the public understand the basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, boost entrepreneurial culture.
  For the founder of start-ups (the third level of education education object), the goal of entrepreneurship education is to guide the founder of the formation of their own entrepreneurial team, the product into the market for testing, continuous iteration, update, , Implementation, improve business model.
  Third, the sub-module implementation of entrepreneurship education classroom design   1.the introduction of the module module
  Babson College of entrepreneurship education classroom through the "divergence - convergence" way to participate in the trainees to discuss "why are you here" start, the participants first to express their views, to take divergent thinking thinking, and then gathered in the group summary , The unity of thought.
  Back to school, in the classroom, we can learn from the introduction of teaching new content of the method, so that students fully discuss why to learn, and learn business or other curriculum goals, so that students understand the learning objectives in the discussion, through Full discussion also allows teachers to have a better understanding of the student's learning situation, in the design of follow-up course content and teaching methods, the more realistic students.
  2. entrepreneurial and life direction design module
  In the direction of entrepreneurship and life design curriculum module, through a debate - "life is able to design" opening, so that students to participate in the team as a unit, draw lots to determine the positive and negative side, the classroom atmosphere is very active in the debate after the end of the introduction Course content, trainees in the process of life for the direction of the logic of the hierarchy diagram, entrepreneurial and life direction design principles and life direction design canvas has a very deep understanding.
  In our school's business and other courses in the classroom, it is entirely possible to introduce such students to give full play to the initiative of the debate, design relevant content of meaningful teaching, interesting questions, through the students internal discussion, The process of students to analyze their own, compare, find information, than the teacher instilled the teaching effect will be much better.
  3.entrepreneurial thinking module
  In the introduction, with the "through the unknown painting smile" game to participate in trainees to warm up, through the group "cotton candy tower challenge" and "through the unknown painting smile" two games contrast, so that participants participate in the discussion of these two games The difference, so as to enable participants to understand the difference between entrepreneurial thinking and management thinking.
  4.entrepreneurial team module
  Through three different colors on behalf of spiritual leaders, executive leaders, technical leaders of the card, so that the group within the "role of self-awareness and awareness of others" game. The entrepreneurial team is a common vision, together to do a group of people who may fail but have valuable things, these people have a common, but also complementary.   5. prototype parts and market test module
  For the prototype project and the market test module in the entrepreneurial course, through the "Coin Paper Aircraft" game, let trainees understand the methods of making prototypes and market tests, and share the visual presentation, APP rapid prototyping tool. These tools are very simple to use, in contact with the students can use, we need to share in the classroom to the students more classroom tools to trigger students to take the initiative to think about the problem, learn to use a variety of resources to solve the problem.
  6.business model tools and teaching methods
  The business model canvas in the business course has been improved in our classroom for a variety of purposes, such as allowing students to use the canvas to analyze their personal career and express the logical thinking that is difficult to describe through the canvas.
  Not only entrepreneurship education classroom can be used to innovate entrepreneurial thinking way sub-module design, the traditional classroom can also learn from the use to enhance students' interest in learning and cultivate students thinking and ability of innovation and entrepreneurship.
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  姓名:金灵 出生年月:87年10月性别:女 学历:硕士研究生 工作单位:云南经济管理学院 职称:助教 研究方向:创业管理、公共关系
  姓名:李林 出生年月:82年11月 性别:女 学历:硕士研究生 工作单位:云南经济管理学院 职称:副教授 研究方向:创业管理、区域经济
摘 要:随着全球经济一体化的加速,经济高速发展时代的到来,财务管理专业越来越受到重视,社会各个行业对财务管理人才的需求量也是只增不减。但是真实的情况却是,财务管理专业的学生很难找到适合自己的工作,而用人单位却又说难以找到合适的人来承担岗位的职责。其中的原因就是大学毕业生的实践操作能力低而有些企业对专业的从业人员的要求却很高。所以,大学生应该重视起来,努力学习基础理论知识,将专业知识掌握牢固,正确认
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最近,电视新闻报道了几起小孩用手机玩游戏,玩掉父母银行卡里几千到几万元不等数额钱的事件,我们姑且不去讨论游戏本身和网络第三方的是非,作为家长的你是否因为手机问题和自己的孩子甚至家人争论过,一方面为了方便和孩子的联系想给其配备手机,一方面又怕社交网站、游戏、视频等影响孩子的学习、生活。倘若你还在为此犹豫,很庆幸,你看到这篇文章,作家长的我们就知道了答案--坚决让自己的未成年孩子远离手机。  说到手机
【摘要】本文讨论了基于创业导向的就业教育融入日常课程教学的重要现实意义,结合具体实践案例探索创业教育融入课堂教学的具体实施方法。  【关键词】创业导向 就业教育 课程教学  关于高等职业教育的培养目标,有三种观点:掌握知识(知识本位)、培养能力(能力本位)和铸造人格(人格本位)。当前高等职业教育的培养目标。应该围绕职业能力和职业素质养成这个核心的观点已经得到越来越多职业教育工作者的认同,由此培养模
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[摘要]知识经济时代,科技对教育的影响越来越大,高职教育也不例外。随着教育的科技化含量不断增大,越来越多的互联网技术和多媒体技术被应用于高职英语教学,带来了教学手段和方式的巨大变化。本文将从这一角度出发,着重分析信息化教学背景下互联网及多媒体技术辅助高职英语教学的现状,分析其中存在的问题,并提出有针对性的对策。  [关键词] 高职英语;信息化教学;存在问题;对策  一、引言  信息技术的高速发展和
摘要:作业成本管理是一个将作业成本数据充分应用到企业管理实际工作中的过程。本文回顾了作业成本管理的产生和发展过程,对目前国内外有关作业成本管理的研究应用状况进行了介绍和总结,希望为广大学者提供研究参考。  作业成本法(ABC)萌芽于20世纪30年代,90年代后随着计算机技术的应用,相关研究逐渐成熟并引起了广泛关注。作业成本管理(简称ABCM)是以作业成本法为核心的管理方法,是作业成本法在实际应用过
摘要:班会是高职院校日常管理的重要手段。在班会中,结合各种主题教育可以使我们的班级管理工作事半功倍。本文主要从班会和主题教育方面探讨在班级管理中的作用 。  关键词:班会 主题教育 班级管理  一、新生教育抓好两个班会  1.新生入学报到第一次的班会。  根据我院编制的《山东轻工职业学院学生手册》和《大学第一课----新生入学教育读本》,还有学生处、团委精心制作的《入学教育安排》手册、PPT等材料