Investigation on Precipitation Transition in CGHAZ for TRIP Steels Containing Vanadium and Titanium

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gyf1978
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Two kinds of low-carbon low-silicon TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) steels containing vanadium are designed using ThermoCalc software in the light of both thermodynamics and kinetics.TRIP heat treatment process of different steels is determined according to the calculation results respectively.Weld HAZ (Heat-Affected Zone) simulation tests indicate the weldability of TRIP steels is crucially sensitive to CE (carban equivelent) of the steel.However the impact toughness of CGHAZ (Coarse Grain Heat-Affected Zone) does not decrease drastically for TRIP steels microalloyed with Ti+V.The steel containing both of vanadium and titanium shows smaller grain size compared with that containing vanadium solely.This is because the precipitation of Ti/V carbonitride slows down the grain boundary motion speed and then retards the grain size coalescence in CGHAZ. Two kinds of low-carbon low-silicon TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) steels containing vanadium are designed using ThermoCalc software in the light of both thermodynamics and kinetics. TRIP heat treatment process of different steels determined according to the calculation results respectively. Weld HAZ (Heat-Affected Zone) simulation tests indicate the weldability of TRIP steels is crucially sensitive to CE (carban equivelent) of the steel. However the impact toughness of CGHAZ (Coarse Grain Heat-Affected Zone) does not decrease drastically for TRIP steels microalloyed with Ti + V.The steel containing both vanadium and titanium shows smaller grain size compared with that containing vanadium solely.This is because the precipitation of Ti / V carbonitride slows down the grain boundary motion speed and then retards the grain size coalescence in CGHAZ.
赵紫玉,1968年生,华侨大学机电及自动化学院副教授,业余跑马拉松仅4年,却是国内首位达到超马国际标准认证的运动员,现居厦门。  在国内的跑友圈中,流传着这样一句话:“平生不识赵紫玉,跑尽超马也无趣。”尤其在香港、台湾等地区,赵紫玉俨然成了众多跑步爱好者心中的“男神”。  赵紫玉是华侨大学机电及自动化学院的副教授,但在学者、老师这一身份之外,他的名字更多地被镌刻在大大小小各类马拉松赛事的奖牌上,如
嗜 酒  汪曾祺先生于一九八○年复出文坛后,发表了轰动文坛的小说《受戒》《大淖纪事》。我看后眼前一亮,觉得有味道,立即奔赴他家中请他为《十月》写稿。他给《十月》先后写了短篇小说《岁寒三友》《露水》以及散文《萝卜》《烟赋》等佳作。  我们熟识之后,曾一起到中华文学基金会文采阁开会,共去云南旅游,远赴湖南讲学。每次聚在一起,他总是邀我同住一室,深夜聊天,成为无话不谈的挚友。  汪先生爱喝酒。酒是他灵感