交流过程中,蒋跃对影响他一生的世界文豪如数家珍。泰戈尔的理想信念、莫泊桑的希望追求、杰克伦敦的生命力量、茅盾的悠扬激越……几十年,慢慢化作河面荡漾的薄雾,聚成一汪微醺的红月亮。那些生命燃烧而成的文字,那份浪漫主义的诗情,那关于人类意念之美的画意,融进了他滚烫的血液中,也汇入了他画笔灵动的色彩里。而《伏特加里的红月亮》正是他在10多年前赴俄罗斯举办个人画展并考察了伏尔加河沿岸后,与其夫人李莉合写的一本散文体的游记。 10年前,时任中国美术学院教研处负责人的蒋跃,又被委以重任,派往该学院与浙江日报报业集团合办的《美术报》任副社長。当时正值媒体报业发展的春天,有着深厚文学底蕴、心怀社会担当的他责无旁贷,除了是三尺讲台前的美院教授,还成了案边忙碌的媒体人。说文解字、句读标点,一路走来,他亲历了10年来艺术圈的大小点滴,也见证了媒体报业的辉煌岁月。
A Watercolor Life and Dedication
By Zhou Yi
It was an early autumn morning when I came to visit Professor Jiang Yue at his studio on the campus of China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, the capital of eastern China’s Zhejiang Province. This visit marked the 60th year of the artist’s life. Jiang was about to retire.
That day, Jiang looked young despite his silver hair and his voice was sonorous. His energy was impressive. He is an artist, teacher, media worker, and administrator. I arrived at his studio at the appointed time in the morning, that is, 10 o’clock. He had already worked for more than 2 hours. He said he kept himself busy. It was a fine day and the floor of the studio was full of the books. Half of the studio was stacked with books.
A prolific writer, Jiang has published 42 books on art. The books amount to a total of over 400 million words. A Study of Form and Language in Painting, a book authored by Jiang and published 20 years ago, has been modified by Jiang many times and published in seven editions by various publishers. Composition and Creative Painting was inscribed as a textbook for the 12th Five-Year Plan for the country’s higher education system.
Of the 42 books, many are collections of his watercolor works and many are textbooks. His 34-episode watercolor course was screened in 2014 on CCTV, China’s biggest television network.
“How time flies! I am surprised to know I have published 42 books. I have been going through some of my manuscripts and notes,” remarked Jiang. The professor is a writer indeed. He jots down his thought wherever and whenever. He pointed to a stack of notebooks, “They can become a book after I sort them out.” These notebooks are records of what he have thought about art and life over decades.
Jiang Yue is a well-known watercolor artist and professor of watercolor at China Academy of Art. While a boy, he took art lessons from his maternal uncle Ye Qingwen, who taught at the Sculpture Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, which morphed into China Academy of Art in 1993. His artwork was good enough to be exhibited at a provincial art exhibition while he was still in high school. He then studied watercolor at the academy. He graduated in 1986 and has been teaching at his alma mater since then.
Jiang established himself as an outstanding watercolorist more than 30 years ago. His artworks appeared at the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th National Artworks Exhibition, an event that takes place every five years since 1955 (2019 will see the 13th). He has received 14 national awards. In 1998, he was a teacher at a national master course for watercolorists. The works created at the course were exhibited respectively in Hangzhou, Beijing and Shenyang. The young watercolor artists studying at the course are now celebrated artists.
In 2002, Jiang Yue held his solo watercolor exhibition in Moscow, at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. It was a huge success. His style of expressing the oriental verve in the western style won many hearts there.
As an artist, he has traveled a lot, leaving his footprints across the country and in foreign lands. In 2010, he and his wife Li Li, a scholar specialized in Russian literature, visited Ukraine for taking part in an academic exchange program. They found a day to travel and visit the hometown of Nikolai Gogol. They got off the bus and walked into a storm. A car stopped for them. The young people in the car happened to be teachers of a normal university and they had the slightest idea that the town so familiar to them was the hometown of Gogol. Jiang and his wife still keep in touch with the teachers today.
Jiang said his worldview and aesthetics reflect the thought of many great literary luminaries. Over years, he has read many masters including Rabindranath Tagore, Guy de Maupassant, Jack London, and Mao Dun. His understanding of these writers may differ from those of other readers, but his understanding has long since found its way into his watercolors.
Jiang Yue was appointed vice president of Art Weekly, a periodical jointly published by China Academy of Art and Zhejiang Daily Press Group, ten years ago. The professor has done a quite lot for the paper. He has witnessed the glory of the printed medium.
He isn’t sad about retirement. He is ready to put a period to the past. And he is looking forward to a freedom he has never really enjoyed in his 60-year life. “I have examined all my paintings recently and to my surprise, they amount to more than 10,000. As I have much more time to myself in the future, I will travel along the Yangtze River and the Yellow River to take a look at the world, to feel what the world offers to me, to externalize what art says to my heart and soul,” enthused Jiang Yue.