In order to learn and promote the advanced experience of the Soviet Union, our hospital from 1955 August began to build pharmacy quality inspection. We consider that in order to carry out this work, we must make reference to the experience of pharmacies in the Soviet Union as well as the specific circumstances of our hospital. The hospital’s features are: First, the outpatient workload is large, the daily outpatient quota of 1,750 people, the actual often exceed this number, and the general prescription has 2 to 3 kinds of agents. Therefore, outpatient pharmacy work is often quite tense, an average of 3 to 5 minutes to be dispensed with a prescription. Second, according to the design and layout of the pharmacy in our hospital, it is impossible to observe the work of the transferrs throughout the pharmacy regardless of the place where the identification desk is located in the pharmacy. However, the original equipment should not be The implementation of drug testing and be discarded. Third, this court