1 病例资料 男,31岁。因发热、咽喉肿痛、流涕、头昏、乏力2天入院。入院诊断为上呼吸道感染。遂予以安痛定注射液2ml+地塞米松2mg肌内注射,每日2次。次日上午患者出现四肢乏力,活动障碍,尤以双下肢为重,下午17时30分左右再次注射上述药物,2小时后患者自觉症状加重,全身软弱、乏力,不能站立。查体:意识清晰,周身无皮疹,双眼不突出,甲状腺不大,呼吸音正
1 case information male, 31 years old. Due to fever, sore throat, runny nose, dizziness, fatigue 2 days admission. Admission was diagnosed as upper respiratory tract infection. Then given Angong given injection 2ml + dexamethasone 2mg intramuscular injection, 2 times a day. The next morning the patient appeared limb weakness, mobility disorders, especially in both lower extremities, about 17:30 injection again above the drug, 2 hours after the patient’s symptoms increased, the whole body weak, weak, can not stand. Physical examination: a clear sense of the whole body without rash, his eyes are not prominent, thyroid is not big, breathing sound is