The influence of environmental psychology on interior space design

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  Abstract:Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching:“Cuan is an instrument,when it is not available,it can be used with an instrument,when it is chiseled,it can be used as a room,when it is not available,it can be used with a room...” This sentence shows the importance of space to people in a building.The shape of the building interprets the interior and exterior space,and the design of the interior space has a direct or indirect impact on people’s psychology.
  Key words:environmental psychology;interior space
  一、Human behavior and psychology in the environment
  1.Safety.Interior design is based on whether people are safe in the indoor space from the beginning.Space is a shelter for people to obtain safety.The interior space design must first consider the personal safety of the space users.As mentioned in Chapter 5,Section 3,Safe Evacuation of Civil Buildings in the Code for Fire Protection of Architectural Design:When the area of public buildings exceeds 50 square meters and the number of people exceeds 15 It is necessary to set up two evacuation openings to facilitate the evacuation of personnel and ensure the safety of personnel in the indoor space.
  2.Interpersonal distance.The space in European and American countries pays attention to “privacy”,that is,the space used by individuals independently.Therefore,the concept of space creates four types of interpersonal distance:personal distance,intimate distance,social distance,and public distance.“Distance” proposes a certain standard for space,which can be planned to buffer or avoid physical and psychological threats.Intimate distance:within 40cm;personal distance:general speaking distance of 40-100cm;social distance:distance of discussions and interviews between 1m-3m;public distance:distance of lectures,classes,etc.above 3m.
  二、The impact of environmental psychology on interior design
  1.The size and psychological environment of the interior space.The changes in indoor space are rich,and the relationship with people’s psychology is also diverse.In traditional architecture,we can see many historical traces.The towering building space will make us instantly respect,and let people have an open mind.In the design of the window opening of the space,it is more close to people’s different psychological needs.The upwardly pointed space gives people a lofty thought,gives people a positive psychological hint,and even has special meaning in it.Small spaces often give people a sense of security,and poor use can bring people a sense of depression.In today’s solutions,we often use ceiling materials with reflective materials for reasonable solutions.   2.Color and mental environment of interior design.Color,as the soul of the interior environment design,is one of the elements of interior space decoration.And different colors have brought people different visual effects,which have different degrees of impact on people’s psychology.Different colors have different symbolic meanings,such as the red with the strongest visual impact,which makes people feel excited,enthusiastic,and impulsive.Green is a symbol of nature.As a new color,it symbolizes vitality,youth,and vitality.People use green to relieve fatigue and embellishment in the bedroom or living room.It is pleasing to the eye;there is noble and elegant purple,and a happy orange.
  3.Light and shadow and psychological environment of interior design.In modern life,improving the technical and artistic quality of the interior space environment is an important indicator of the quality of modern life.The light environment is closely related to the design of the indoor environment.Light and shadow are essential elements of interior design.A study by Soviet psychologist Fletchel pointed out that the addition of sunlight-like ultraviolet rays to fluorescent lamps is good for health;Keny’s research also found that children appear more active and active in sunny places.The contrast between light and color is also closely related to children’s learning effectiveness.The study found that the bright colors of blue,yellow,and green arranged a learning environment that had higher IQ performance than a monotonous white,black,and brown environment.
  Today,with the development of interior space design becoming more and more mature,the pros and cons of the user’s psychological experience have been increasingly valued.Previously,although psychology was introduced to design for many years,it only played a certain auxiliary role,but did not get much attention from designers.It should become an active factor in the development of interior space design,and become an interior space design.
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