《聊斋志异》是一部具有独特艺术风格的短篇小说集,它的艺术特点和它的创作方法密不可分。其 《恒娘》篇在作品的情节推进中,体现了理性和艺术性的完美结合,运用意在笔先的创作风格指导素材组织结构,故事情节的叙述一波三折,见解含而不发,因而产生了极富艺术魅力之效果。体现了作家洞悉生活,体察 事物本质和高超的艺术匠心,使作品和现实完美衔接。
Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio is a collection of short stories with a unique artistic style whose artistic features are closely related to its creative method. Its “Heniang” article reflects the perfect combination of rationality and artistry in the promotion of the plot of the work. It uses the creative style of the pen to guide the material structure of the material. The narration of the story line twists and turns, the opinions without the hair, resulting in Very artistic charm of the effect. Embodies the writer insight into life, to understand the nature of things and superb artistic ingenuity, the perfect combination of work and reality.