一年一度的高考牵动诸多考生、家长、老师的心。高考,无论在古代还是现在,都备受关注。在古代,科举相当于当今的高考,是许多学子进入官僚系统的主要途径。为了金榜题名,人们对考试的重视程度与今日相比有过之而无不及,人们求神拜佛,各种迷信招儿层出不穷。吉祥饰品JI XIANG SHI PIN古代,家长对孩子的祝福祈祷无处不在。有的从孩子出生后就开始给他们佩戴带口彩的吉祥饰物,长大成人后穿衣戴帽、言谈举止也充满着对科举考试的敬畏和祈祷。帽饰、发饰、佩饰、挂饰几乎囊括了所有科举吉利题材,有状元及第、二甲传胪、连中三元、
The annual college entrance examination affects many candidates, parents, teachers heart. College entrance examination, both in ancient times and now, are closely watched. In ancient times, the imperial examination equivalent to today’s college entrance examination is the main way for many students to enter the bureaucratic system. In order to get the gold medal title, people pay more attention to the exam than today. People ask for help, all kinds of superstition and children come after another. Auspicious Jewelry JI XIANG SHI PIN Ancient times, parents pray for their children everywhere. Some even started to wear auspicious accessories with mouth color when they were born. They grew up wearing clothes and hats, and their behavior was full of awe and prayers for examinations. Hats, hair accessories, accessories, ornaments almost cover all the imperial examination Geely theme, a champion and the first, two Chuan Chuan, even in the ternary,