口腔中有类似达利氏(Darier)病组织学类型的小结节、凹陷性角化病变。曾称疣状角化不良瘤(Warty Dyskeratoma)、孤立性毛囊角化不良病(Isolated DyskeratosisFollicularis)。这种病变罕见,致病原因不明。Ackerman氏以灶性棘层松懈性角化不良病的名词,描述一种有明确的组织学类型而有若干不同临床表现的病变。根据病变大小、数目和持续时期可分二类:1.单发性病变,临床表现不显著,呈丘疹或结节,即疣状角化不良瘤。2.多发性病变,持续性的,孤立的口腔内结节性病变,文献报告甚少,包括作
There are histological types of small nodules and pitted keratoses similar to Darier’s disease in the mouth. It has been known as Warty Dyskeratoma and Isolated Dyskeratosis Follicularis. This lesion is rare and the cause of the disease is unknown. Ackerman’s term for focal acantholytic lax keratosis describes a lesion with a definite histological type and several different clinical manifestations. According to the size, number and duration of lesions can be divided into two categories: 1. Single lesions, clinical manifestations are not significant, showed papules or nodules, that is verrucous keratoderma. 2. Multiple lesions, persistent, isolated intranodal nodular lesions, rarely reported in the literature, including