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随着科学技术的日新月异,“全球化”、“经济一体化”进程愈演愈烈,全球文化的趋同性也日渐加深。不管你愿不愿意承认,一些堪称经典的本土艺术形态由于失去了原有的生存语境已经消失或正在消失。在此社会背景下,如何保持本民族文化的独立性,如何抵御、拒绝西方强势文化的入侵成了当下摆在面前亟待解决的问题。不过值得注意的是一边贪婪地享受、消费着西方文化的各种产品,一边高喊文化的独立,终究显得有些惺惺作态。 With the ever-changing science and technology, the process of “globalization” and “economic integration” has become increasingly fierce and the convergence of global cultures has also deepened. Believe it or not, some of the classic forms of local art that have lost their original existence have disappeared or are disappearing. In this social context, how to maintain the independence of the national culture and how to resist and reject the invasion of the Western culture has become an urgent issue to be solved nowadays. However, it is worth noting that while all kinds of products that greedily enjoy and consume Western culture are shouting cultural independence, they are somewhat hypocritical.