当纽约世贸大楼倒塌的时候,就已经注定了美国的保险业将成为这次事件的主要“受害者”之一。美国的人寿保险、各种财产保险、责任保险及为普及,面对巨额的保险索赔,保险业如何应对,备受世人瞩目。 一、9·11事件造成的主要损失及保险公司接受赔付的内容 (一)人身伤害性的保险赔付 这些保险险种的被保险人包括在世贸中心的工作人员(其中不少是商界精英),世贸中心倒塌时伤及的行人和实施营救的其他人员,飞机上的乘客和机组人员等。
When the New York World Trade Center collapsed, it was already doomed that the U.S. insurance industry would become one of the major “victims” of the incident. America’s life insurance, all kinds of property insurance, liability insurance and universal coverage, in the face of huge amounts of insurance claims, the insurance industry how to deal with, has attracted worldwide attention. 1. The Major Losses Caused by the Sept. 11 Incident and the Content Accepted by the Insurance Companies 1. Personal Injury Insurance Coverage The insured persons in these insurances include staff members at the World Trade Center (many of whom are business leaders), the WTO Pedestrians injured during the collapse of the center and other personnel conducting the rescue, passengers and crew members on the aircraft, etc.