患者女性,50岁,住院号:16931。25年来,常每年春季双小腿反复起暗红色硬结并游走性关节痛,天冷加重,伴低热。前后已住院6次,每次入院时血沉快,抗“O”不高,经肌注青霉素,口服阿司匹林、消炎痛、安乃近及肾上腺皮质激素等药物治疗,关节疼痛可减轻,但疾病不能根治,出院后常需继续服用止痛药,但皮下结节非但未见减少,反而逐渐增多、增大。故于1990年3月22日第7次入院。查体:T 37.8℃,神志清,浅表淋巴结未扪及。心肺未闻及异常。四肢远端及足底均可见大小不等的多个暗红色硬结,最大的15cm×15cm,小的蚕豆大,不活动,无波动感,触痛明显。
Female patient, 50 years old, hospitalization number: 16931. 25 years, often each spring double calf repeatedly dark red knot and migrate sexual joint pain, cold, with fever. Before and after hospitalization has been 6 times, each hospital admission ESR fast, anti “O” is not high, by intramuscular penicillin, oral aspirin, indomethacin, analgin and adrenal cortex hormones and other drugs, joint pain can be reduced, but the disease can not Radical, often need to continue taking painkillers after discharge, but subcutaneous nodules not only failed to reduce, but gradually increased, increased. Therefore, on March 22, 1990 the seventh admission. Physical examination: T 37.8 ℃, clear consciousness, superficial lymph nodes not palpable. Cardiopulmonary unknown and abnormal. Extremities and the soles of the extremities are visible in multiple sizes ranging from dark red induration, the largest 15cm × 15cm, small broad beans, no activity, no sense of volatility, tenderness significantly.