《卧虎藏龙》作为一部有品味的武侠片,充分体现了导演武戏文唱的特点,且较 好 地融艺术性、娱乐性、商业性于一体。其具体特点有三:人物形象动人,情节曲折巧妙;造 型清新脱俗,效果逼真传神;内涵丰富深刻,风格写意抒情。
As a tasteful martial arts film, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fully embodies the characteristics of director Wu Jiuwen’s singing, and better integrates artistic, entertaining and commercial. Its specific features are three: moving figures, plot twists and turns clever; modeling fresh and refined, the effect vivid and vivid; rich and profound connotation, style freehand lyrical.