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班主任进行小学班级管理的时候,语言艺术是很重要的。对于教育学生,班主任语言运用的情况和班主任班级管理的质量有着密切的联系。新形势对班主任的班级管理又提出了新的要求。这篇文章就在小学管理中进行语言实施策略提出了几点看法和建议,这样有助于提高小学生的行为能力,可以为班主任的班级管理提供依据。一、口头语言激励一直以来我们坚信好孩子是夸出来的,所以我们在进行教学的时候要对学生进行激励,这样可以在进行激励的过程中让学生找到学习的自信,这也是对学生自身价值的肯定。但是金无足赤,人无完人,学生在成长的过程中一定会有一些毛病和不足,我们要怎样 When the teacher in charge of class management in primary schools, language art is very important. For educational students, the teacher in charge of language use and class teacher in charge of class management has a close relationship. The new situation has put forward new requirements for class teacher management. This article on the implementation of language management strategies in primary school put forward a few observations and suggestions, this will help improve the pupil’s ability to act as a class manager for class management can provide the basis. First, oral language motivation We have always believed that good children are boasted, so when we are teaching students to be motivated, so that motivation can be made in the process to enable students to find self-confidence, which is also their own value Sure. But gold is not enough, people are not perfect, the students in the process of growth will have some problems and deficiencies, how do we want