Microplastic dust flies around the world 塑料微粒危害全球

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  1.pristine adj. 处于原始状态的;未开发的
  2.culprit n. 引起问题的事物;肇事者
  3.pound v. 反复击打;捣碎
  4.particle n. 微粒;颗粒
  5.inhale v.吸入
  6.pandemic n. 大流行病
  7.humble adj. 谦逊的;虚心的
  According to the latest research, theres nowhere left to run from the suffering resulting from microplastic pollution. A small pilot study recently took microplastic samples from the French Pyrenees mountains, one of Europes most pristine hideaways, and found as many microplastics in the soil as you might expect from a large city like Paris.
  “Wed kind of expected it in a city getting blown around,” said Steve Allen from the University of Strathclyde in the UK, one member of the team. “The number is shocking.”
  The culprit? The wind. Researchers now fear that our planets winds can pick up microplastics from anywhere and transport them around the world, sometimes in alarming quantities.
  The forces of nature dont distinguish
  between materials like stones and rocks, and plastics. Winds and waves pound plastics and break them down just the same, leaving them down into dust that can then get swept up by the breeze and into the atmosphere. Its an ongoing environmental concern as more and more microplastics find their way into our food and air.
  Steve Allen and his team set up collectors 1,370 meters up in the mountains for five months to trap plastic particles as they fell to the Earth. There are only a few small villages within 100 kilometers of the test site. “We expected to find some,” he said. “We didnt expect to find quite as much as we did.”
  The team found that an average of 365 plastic particles fell on their one?square?meter collector daily. This included fibers from clothing, bits from plastic bags, plastic film and packaging material, among other plastic sources. Many of these materials were small enough to be inhaled without even realizing it. Theyre in the air, and theyre everywhere.
  “We suggest that microplastics can reach and affect remote inhabited areas through atmospheric transport,” the authors conclude in their article, published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
  The fact that microplastics can be found in large concentrations even in remote places is an indication that this has become a global pollution pandemic. Its a humbling reminder that human pollution has no boundaries or borders.
  ——From Mother Nature Network
  Who on earth do you think is to blame for microplastic pollution?
  Difficult sentence
  The fact that microplastics can be found in large concentrations even in remote places is an indication that this has become a global pollution pandemic.即使是在偏遠地区,也可以发现大量的塑料微粒,这表明这已成为一种全球性的污染流行病。
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[摘 要] 以小学数学故事课程为例,一方面数学故事课程兼具数学文化的渗透及数学教学文化的塑造等育人因素,另一方面数学故事课程独具的激趣、至善、孕思、审美、联结功能基本涵盖了人文精神、科学素养和道德品质三个维度的育人目标,这些目标可以通过主题贯穿、课堂融入及社团推进等实施过程来实现;但在实施过程中要把准用数学思想和数学精神滋养学生的育人指向,切不可泛滥过度,偏离育人方向。  [关键词] 学科德育;数
[摘 要] 新课程改革直接指向课堂教学,提倡有效教学,有效师生互动的目的就是为了更加有效地教学. 如何在数学课堂活动的各个环节中使得师生的互动更加高效呢?本文就借助“笔算两位数乘两位数(进位)”这节课例分析中年段小学数学有效师生互动的具体策略.  [关键词] 师生互动;有效策略  有效的师生互动是指师生、生生通过沟通交流能够调动学生思维,促进学生发展,使得学生学有所得、学有所获. 下面就结合“笔算
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