钙化性纤维性肿瘤(CFT)是一种罕见的良性纤维性肿瘤,见于全身多个部位.当临床或影像学检查发现一个逐渐增大的肿块时应考虑CFT的可能.基于其症状的非特异性,诊断CFT应结合影像学和病理特点双重考量,其中X线和CT表现可以反应出本病钙化的组织学特点.CFT的术前诊断准确率极低,需要结合组织形态和免疫组化结果并排除其他可疑良性、恶性及中间型间叶性肿瘤后方可确诊.“,”Calcifying fibrous tumor ( CFT) is a rare benign fibrous tumor that is characterized by its wide variety of localiza-tions and should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of an enlarging mass revealed by clinical or imaging exam -inations .The diagnosis of CFT is based on the imaging findings and the pathological findings owing to heterogeneity of symptoms . A variety of imaging techniques can be used to examine CFT .The radiographic appearance of CFT reflects its histological composition.CFT seems to have a low accuracy rate before operation , which requires a combination of histological and immunohistochemi-cal features to differential diagnosis from other benign and malignant and intermediate mesenchymal tumors .