《历史研究》创刊以来已有40年。创办《历史研究》的前辈有几位已经过世。《历史研究》本身也已有一段历史。 《历史研究》的一个重要转折时期,就是“文化大革命”时期。“文革”开始时《历史研究》停刊了。后来据说是毛主席说这个杂志应该再出,所以复刊了。但给“四人帮”手下的人占了几年。可能因为稿源很困难,他们也不大有兴趣办。1975年邓小平同志复出工作,我看是个机会,就跟当时受周恩来总理委托联系文教工作的刘西尧
40 years have passed since the publication of History Studies. Several of the predecessors who founded the “history study” have died. History has itself a long history. An important turning point of “historical research” is the “Cultural Revolution” period. “History Study” ceased at the beginning of “Cultural Revolution”. Later, it is said that Chairman Mao said the magazine should be made again, so it was reprinted. But it took a few years for the men in the Gang of Four. They may not be very interested because the sources are very difficult. Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s return to work in 1975, I think it was an opportunity, just as the then commissioned by Premier Zhou Enlai, Liu Xiyao