Based on the transportation and related statistical data of Jiangxi Province since 1990, based on the analysis and evaluation of the status of city passenger and freight transportation in different parts of the province, using the regional non-equilibrium coefficient and regional potential business indexes, The spatial evolution of contacts and trends are discussed. The research shows that the rapid development of the transportation industry in the province at the same time, passenger and freight transport in the spatial distribution has been from a low level of concentration tends to balance the development of passenger corridor effect in the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway, Chang nine High-speed, high-speed passenger traffic along the Jiangxi-Guangdong high-speed areas are more concentrated; freight center of gravity southward, the polarization effect weakened, with the province’s resource advantages around the city began to economic advantages, the order of the freight evolved orderly. Combined with the stage of economic development in Jiangxi Province, the initial stage of its transportation development was analyzed and discussed.