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(一) 自治区的新闻改革是从党的十一届三中全会以后起步的。经过拨乱反正,清理“左”的错误和影响,新闻工作的重点从以阶级斗爭为纲转移到以四个现代化建设为中心的轨道,端正了新闻工作的方向。新闻报道的改革成为新闻改革的突破口,按照“新、短、多、广”的要求,新闻界在提高时效、增加信息量、扩大报道面、改革会议报道、搞活经济报道等方面积极进取。通过多渠道、多形式的短期培训、正规教育、学习考察、易地采访等,自治区新闻队伍的建设初有成效。单一的办报观念,封 (1) News reform in the autonomous region started after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. After all the efforts to mobilize the order and clean up the mistakes and influences of the “leftist”, the focus of the news work shifted from turning the class struggle into a track centered on the four modernizations and rectifying the orientation of the news work. The reform of news reports has become a breakthrough point in news reform. According to the requirements of “new, short, extensive and broad”, the press has made progress in raising the time limit, increasing the amount of information, expanding coverage, reforming conference reports and invigorating economic reporting. Through the multi-channel and multi-form short-term training, formal education, study tours and expeditious interviews, the construction of news corps in the autonomous region has achieved initial success. The concept of a single newspaper, sealed
Significant progress has been made over the past several years in the understanding of phosphorus (Pi)-starvation responses in plants and their regulation. The
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A novel strain of Bacillus thuringiensis Bt11, isolated from soil samples in China, was classified and characterized in terms of its crystal proteins, cry genes
Site-directed mutagenesis is used extensively for probing gene function. In this paper we describe an improved megaprimer method to the site-directed muta-genes
有人说80年代是电视年代,有线广播过时了,情况果真如此吗? 库尔勒市是南疆较大的一个城市,新闻单位多。这里既有自治区级的《新疆日报》记者站,又有自治州级的巴音郭楞报社