在中央音乐学院建校70周年的校庆活动中,学院乐队EOS的“红毯”秀,着实为此次校庆增添了很多时尚、活力与青春的气息。这场走秀背后的策划者就是中央音乐学院胡咏言教授。用他的话说,当初选择了音乐以及选择回国创立中央音乐学院的学院乐队,并且冲破各种阻力坚持到今天,都是源于伟大音乐家贝多芬的精神力量一一那就是敢于面对一切困难和挑战的勇气。EOS乐队的由来是英文Excellent Orchestra Sound的缩写,意为最好的乐队声音。从青木关到北京,从北大第一支15人西洋乐队到中央音乐学院的学院乐队。一晃之间,已经时隔80年。如果说80年前萧友梅先生是将“梦”变成现实,把乐队教学纳入到正式的高等音乐专业教学中,那么今天的EOS乐队自称为“梦之队”也就变得顺理成章了。
During the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Central Conservatory of Music, the “Red Carpet” show by the college band EOS really added a lot of fashion, vitality and youthful atmosphere to the celebration. The plan behind this show is Professor Hu Yongyan of the Central Conservatory of Music. In his words, he had chosen the music and the college band that chose to go back to founding the Central Conservatory of Music, and to break through all kinds of resistance up to today are derived from the spiritual strength of the great musician Beethoven - that is, daring to face all difficulties And the courage to challenge. EOS band origin is the English abbreviation of Excellent Orchestra Sound, which means the best band sound. From Aoki to Beijing, from Peking University’s first 15-member Western band to the Central Conservatory’s college band. A flash, it has been a lapse of 80 years. If 80 years ago, Mr. Xiao Youmei is “dream ” into reality, the band teaching into the formal teaching of advanced music, then today’s EOS band claiming to be “Dream Team ” will become a matter of course It’s