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草船借箭,是一个妇孺皆知的中国智慧故事——诸葛孔明把自己变成了“众矢之的”。借光御敌,是一则古希腊的智慧故事:一次,大批敌舰从海上攻来,希腊既无准备,更无防卫。敌舰越来越近,一场城毁人亡的浩劫将发生在晴空之下。这时,科学家亚里士多德站了出来,他让妇女们拿出家中的镜子,把太阳的光线反射到领头的三桅帆船上。灿烂的阳光下,无数灼热的光束被聚集在一起,强大的热力越积越大,炽热的温度越聚越高,终于轰的一声,三桅船被点燃,燃起冲天的大火……希腊人在危急的关头转败为胜——亚里士多德把民族仇恨和太阳热能 The grass boat borrows arrows, which is a story of Chinese wisdom known to women and children. Zhuge Gongming has turned himself into a “public opinion.” The use of light to defend the enemy is an ancient Greek wisdom story: Once, a large number of enemy ships attacked from the sea, and Greece is neither prepared nor defended. As the enemy ships approached, the catastrophic destruction of a city would occur under the clear skies. At this time, Aristotle, a scientist, stood up. He asked the women to take out the mirror in their home and reflect the sun’s rays on the leading mast boat. In the bright sunshine, innumerable searing beams of light are gathered together, and the powerful heat builds up. The hotter temperatures rise higher and higher, and finally the boomerang is ignited, igniting the blazing fire.... Greeks Turning to victory at a critical juncture - Aristotle turns ethnic hatred and solar thermal energy
商标系列的扩展,不可避免地给人以商标雷同的印象。如果违背本系列法则中的任何一条都值得判罪的话,那么,恐怕大多数公司的老总都要在监狱中服 The expansion of the trade
在去年11月8日 CCTV 广告正式招标之前,媒介沸沸扬扬,大家都预言新的“标王”将会在 VCD行业产生。11月6日,28岁的爱多公司总裁胡志标一身单衣,只身一人从广州飞至北京,直至
音响界每年一度最大的盛事,今年在美丽的杭州如期举行,虽然1998年对影音业界人士来说是非常冷酷、沉重的年份,但以“振兴民族工业、弘扬国产音响”为宗 The biggest event
The aerodynamics, dynamic responses and aeroelasticity of tiltrotor aircraft in the tilting of rotor i.e. in conversion flight are extraordinarily complicated.
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