三叶木通[Akebia trifoliata(Thunb.)Koidz.]播种育苗技术操作规程阐述了三叶木通的播种育苗、种苗保存和运输等全过程,侧重规范了三叶木通播种育苗中种子处理、发芽箱制作、种子催芽、苗床选择与耕整、播种方法、水肥管理、病虫害防治、苗龄划分、种苗分级、起苗方法、运输与保存等关键技术环节。旨在为恩施州及周边地区三叶木通播种育苗提供规范化操作依据。
[Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) Koidz.] Sowing seedling technical rules that Clover Seed sowing seedlings, seedling preservation and transportation of the entire process, focusing on the specification of clover seedling seedling propagation, germination box Seed production, seed germination, seedbed selection and tillage, sowing methods, water and fertilizer management, pest and disease control, seedling classification, seedling classification, seedling method, transportation and preservation of key technologies. The purpose is to provide standard operation basis for seedling breeding of Cloverwood in Enshi and surrounding areas.