位于南亚次大陆的巴基斯坦国,是个独立的伊斯兰教国家,全国90%以上的公民信奉伊斯兰教,大大小小风格各异的清真寺遍布城市和乡村,教徒每日定时五次祷告,或是在清真寺,或是在家里的祷告间,从不间断。每逢宗教节或带有宗教色彩的节日,全国各行各业均放假,公路上来往车辆极其稀少,商场店铺均不营业,公共场所冷冷清清。 笔者在巴基斯坦最大城市卡拉奇工作一年,有幸目睹各种节日的盛况,印象最深的莫过于最富有宗教色彩的斋月及开斋节。 根据伊斯兰教教历,太阴年第
Located in the southern Asian subcontinent of the State of Pakistan, is an independent Islamic country, more than 90% of the country’s citizens believe in Islam, different styles of large and small mosques throughout the cities and villages, the devotees regularly prayer five times a day, or in mosques, Or in the house of prayer, from time to time. Every religious festival or festival with religious colors, all walks of life in the country are on holiday. There are extremely few vehicles on the road, and shopping malls are closed, and public places are deserted. I worked in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city for one year. I was fortunate to witness the grand occasion of various festivals. The deepest impression was made on the most religious and Eid al-Fitr. According to Islamic calendar, Lunar New Year