
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:benjaminzsj
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目的:了解自愿婚检实施后,适婚青年男女对婚前医学检查的需求,为采取针对性措施提高婚检率提供依据。方法:以问卷调查与个人访谈相结合的形式,对2008年山东省三城市884位达到法定结婚年龄的未婚青年男女进行调查。结果:适婚人群对于所调查12项需求得分均高于3.5分,排前4位的是了解孕前孕期知识4.36分、遗传病知识4.30分、影响婚育相关疾病的知识4.29分、性生理性卫生及计划生育知识4.22分;婚检费用支付意愿调查中84.3%的人认为婚检应该免费。结论:婚检管理方与婚检机构应充分重视适婚人群对婚检内容及形式的要求,加强婚前卫生知识指导与咨询,关注适婚人群婚检自主权,有重点的开展宣传,通过提供人性化、多样化、个性化的婚检服务来提高适婚人群参加自愿婚检的积极性,提高婚检率。 Objective: To understand the implementation of voluntary premarital examination, the marriage of young men and women for premarital medical examination needs, to take targeted measures to improve premarital examination provide the basis. Methods: In the form of a combination of questionnaires and personal interviews, 884 unmarried young men and women reached the legal marriageable age in the three cities of Shandong Province in 2008 were investigated. Results: The marriageable population scored higher than 3.5 for the 12 items surveyed. The top four were the knowledge of 4.36 points before pregnancy and 4.30 points of genetic disease, the knowledge of marriage and childbirth related diseases was 4.29 points, Health and family planning knowledge 4.22 points; 84.3% of people surveyed willing to pay the cost of premarital examination that premarital examination should be free. Conclusion: The pre-marital medical examiner and pre-marital medical institution should pay full attention to the content and form of premarital examination for the married people, strengthen the guidance and consultation on premarital health knowledge, pay attention to the pre-marital medical examination autonomy, and focus on publicity. By providing humanized and diversified Personalized and personalized premarital services to enhance the enthusiasm of married people to participate in voluntary premarital examination, improve the premarital rate.
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