为评价释放左旋炔诺酮(LNG)的宫内节育器(IUD)治疗子宫腺肌症导致的月经过多的疗效及患者的耐受性,选择25例38~45岁经阴道超声确诊者,其中9例同时经核磁共振(Tagashi标准)证实。均有半年以上的月经过多史,用Higharn等设计的失血量估汁图表测得其出血量皆>80ml,经阴道及腹部超声、官腔镜等检查排除了合并内膜病变、子宫肌瘤、附件疾病、心血管疾病及脂代谢疾病。月经开始7天之内在无麻醉情况下置入释放LNG 20μg/d
To assess the efficacy of menorrhagia (IUD) for the treatment of adenomyosis with release of levonorgestrel (LNG) and the patient’s tolerance, 25 patients (38-45 years old) with transvaginal sonography were selected, Nine of them were confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (Tagashi standard) at the same time. Have more than six months of history of menorrhagia, with Higharn and other design of the blood loss estimated juice chart were measured bleeding were> 80ml, vaginal and abdominal ultrasound, such as endoscopic examination ruled out with endometrial lesions, uterine fibroids, Annex disease, cardiovascular disease and lipid metabolism disease. Menstrual release within 7 days of the release of LNG 20μg / d without anesthesia