毒物的系统分析中,同一类或同一族的各种毒物,不能加以分离,要靠专一反应来检出与鉴别.若有两种以上同族的毒物同时存在,就不易各别检出.因此,我们应用纸析法来分离并检出各族中的各种毒物.C.Romano曾以盐酸丁醇作溶剂,用纸析法作九种有毒生物鹼的毒物定性分析;但所报告的比移值(R_f value)都很大,而且彼此很接近,因此不能分离与分别检出.A.S.Curry等曾用枸櫞酸二氢钠浸过的滤纸,以丁醇枸櫞酸作溶剂,升渗法纸层析鹼
In the systematic analysis of poisons, various poisons of the same category or of the same family cannot be separated and they must be detected and identified by a specific reaction. If there are two or more poisons of the same family, it is not easy to detect them separately. We used paper analysis to isolate and detect all kinds of poisons in various races. C. Romano used butanol hydrochloride as a solvent and qualitative analysis of nine poisonous alkaloids using paper analysis; however, the reported ratio The R_f values are very large and very close to each other, so they cannot be separated and detected separately. Filter papers that have been soaked with sodium dihydrogen phthalate, such as ASCurry, are soaked with butanol phthalic acid as a solvent. French paper chromatography base