汪建和李小飞相遇的那天,中山公园大雨倾盆。他们相遇在中山公园那棵最大的樟树下,樟树叶翻飞着阳光,太阳再过五分钟就要被乌云遮蔽,公园里的人将作鸟兽散。五分钟的时间能改变很多事,汪建在五分钟前,刚和未婚妻从婚姻登记处出来,他的婚姻受到了法律的保护。未婚妻工作的地点就在附近,回去上班了,汪建四处闲走一番,决定去中山公园逛逛。 中山公园地处甬江之东,是甬城最大的公园,每天出入上千人次,它的格局透露出典型
In this paper, a solution for speckle reduction using phase plate array (PPA) and lens array (LA) in a motionless way is proposed. The specially designed PPA is
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In the context of this work, a prototype hybrid photoacoustic (PA) and optical system for the on-line monitoring of laser cleaning procedures is presented. The
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