本文针对无线信道的特点提出了一种用于提高无线环境中TCP性能的改进方案Wire less -TCP ,通过尝试对TCP的拥塞控制中时间的算法进行调整并增加Probe模块以应对无线信道中的长时间中断 ,保证TCP连接的存在。通过爱立信通信实验室的仿真实验验证了该改进方案的有效性
Aiming at the characteristics of wireless channel, this paper proposes an improved scheme Wire less-TCP for improving TCP performance in wireless environment. It attempts to adjust the algorithm of time in TCP congestion control and adds Probe module to cope with long Time interruption, to ensure the existence of TCP connections. The simulation results of Ericsson Communication Laboratory verify the effectiveness of this improvement