Fatal Attack上篇:致命一击席卷全国的暴风骤雨该来的总会来。正如首创集团总经理、首创置业董事长刘晓光先生在去年年末“地产年度风云榜”现场论坛不无忧虑地预言那样:“房地产市场将有大变局。”这次,一场前所未有的政策性风暴已经席卷全国楼市,并将毫无疑问地深刻影响未来中国房地产市场的格局走向和体制变革。2011年1月26日,国务院出台“新国八条”调控房地产,其中除了再度重申了落实地方政府责任、加大保障房建设力度、严格管理住宅用地向中小户型倾斜、严控差额化信贷政策等之前已经出台的多项规定外,特别强调了“个人购买住房不足五年转手交易将统一按销售收入全额征税,同时二套房首付比例至6成”两项政策,
Fatal Attack Part one: A deadly blow to the storm that swept the country to come. Just as Mr. Liu Xiaoguang, the general manager of Capital Group and Mr. Liu Xiaoguang, chairman of Capital Land, predicted at the end of last year that “the real estate market will have a big change.” This time, an unprecedented forum Policy storm has swept the property market, and will undoubtedly profoundly affect the future direction of China’s real estate market and institutional changes. On January 26, 2011, the State Council promulgated “New State 8 ” to regulate and control real estate. In addition to reiterating the responsibility of implementing local government, intensifying the construction of affordable housing and strictly controlling residential land to small and medium sized units, the Bank strictly controlled credit Policy has been introduced before a number of provisions, with special emphasis on the “personal purchase of less than five years of resale transactions will be unified according to sales tax full tax, while the proportion of two suites down to 60% ” two policies,