目的纯化培养并鉴定大鼠脑组织星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞。方法根据星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞的生长时间差异、细胞生长方式及细胞对培养层粘附等特性的不同,改进McCarthy方法纯化培养星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞,用免疫组化法对其鉴定。结果(1)混合培养的星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞生长分化状况均优于纯化后的生长,以少突胶质细胞表现更为明显;(2)星形胶质细胞呈向心性生长,细胞相邻的接触面有较多的伪足;(3)传代培养的星形胶质细胞保持较强的分裂增殖能力,可在1周左右生长至完全融合,其纯度可达%%以上。纯化后的少突胶质细胞生长缓慢,抗物理、化学损伤的能力差,收获细胞丰度低,传代效果差。结论(1)星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞存在相互促进生长的作用;而少突胶质细胞对损伤因素更敏感。(2)星形胶质细胞纯化培养较易;少突胶质细胞纯化培养较难。(3)改良 McCarthy方法简单可靠。
Objective To purify and identify rat brain astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Methods According to the different growth time of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, the growth of cells and the cell adhesion to culture medium, McCarthy method was used to purify astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify it. Results (1) The proliferation and differentiation of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes were better than the purified ones. The expression of oligodendrocytes was more obvious. (2) (3) subcultured astrocytes to maintain a strong ability to divide and proliferate, can be grown in about 1 week to complete fusion, the purity of up to% %the above. Purified oligodendrocytes grow slowly, have poor ability of resisting physical and chemical damage, have low harvesting cell abundance and poor passaging effect. Conclusions (1) Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes promote the growth of each other; and oligodendrocytes are more sensitive to the injury. (2) Astrocyte purification easier; oligodendrocyte purification more difficult. (3) The improved McCarthy method is simple and reliable.