【摘 要】
Many location-based services need to query objects existing in a specific space,such as location-based tourism resource recommendation.Both a large number of sp
【机 构】
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 54100
Many location-based services need to query objects existing in a specific space,such as location-based tourism resource recommendation.Both a large number of spatial objects and the real-time object access requirements of location-based services pose a big challenge for spatial object storage and query management.In this paper,we propose HGeoHashBase,an improved storage model by integrating GeoHash with key-value structure,to organize spatial objects for efficient range queries.GeoHash is responsible for spatial encoding and key-value structure as underlying data storage.Both the similarity of the encodings for objects in the close geographical locations and the multi-version data mechanism are blended into the proposed model well.Considering the tradeoff between encoding precision and query performance,a theoretical proof is presented.Extensive experiments are designed and conducted,whose results show that the proposed model can gain significant performance improvement.
Uncertain data are data with uncertainty information,which exist widely in database applications.In recent years,uncertainty in data has brought challenges in a
摘 要: 本文总结了高职院校开展顶岗实习的工作现状,分析了高职院校在开展顶岗实习活动中存在的问题,并从顶岗实习的制度建设、顶岗实习平台建设、顶岗实习的过程监控和考核评价等方面提出合理建议与对策。 关键词: 高职院校 顶岗实习 实施对策 顶岗实习是职业教育当中至关重要的教学环节,是强化学生校内实践和实训教学成果、获得直接工作经验的最有效方式,在学生培养过程中起着理论与实践有效衔接的关键作用,其质
The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of barley accessions. Additionally, association trait analysis was conducted for grain yiel
摘 要: 本文在分析总结活动课程的发展历史与现状基础上,指出当前活动课程建设面临的困境,并将复杂适应性系统理论的思想引入活动课程的建设过程中,从新视角审视活动课程本质,为解决活动课程中的教学问题提供新的思路。 关键词: 活动课程 复杂适应性系统理论 主要内容 基本行为模型 一、前言 上世纪90年代以来,我国部分学校在改革学科课程的同时,进行开设活动课程的实验,在全国范围内引发一场自下而上的活
摘 要: 本文通过调查分析美术基础学习过程中存在的难点问题及传统教学方法的局限,提出运用数字技术创新美术基础教学的策略。 关键词: 美术基础教学 存在问题 数字技术 对策研究 大力发展素质教育离不开诸如对美术等学科的重视和教学研究。特别中小学义务教育阶段美术基础知识和技能的形成时期,传统教学方式还是以教师示范讲解、学生模仿练习等为主。学习过程中由于构建知识的信息来源单一,不少学生都会遇到各种学
1 IntroductionrnSeveral active intrusion response mechanisms have been designed and prototyped, They adapt well to specificities of the monitored system, though
摘 要: 根据台州地区机械制造行业对数控技术人才的要求,文章分析数控技术专业课程的特点,进行数控技术教学改革,探索数控技术专业的理论教学与实践教学的内在关系,总结出一套行之有效的教学方法。 关键词: 数控技术 理论教学 数控实训 一、引言 高职学院的数控技术专业是一门综合性、实践性很强的专业,包含机械制造技术、数控加工工艺、数控编程技术、公差与技术测量等专业课程的理论知识和数控机床操作、数控
摘 要: 高职院校的眼视光专业在我国起步相较于发达国家来说很晚,以至于还没有得到充分发展,不具备成熟的人才培养体系,所以无法满足市场与社会对眼视光专业人才的需求。要想满足眼镜行业对专业技术人员的需求,培养应用型技术人才,就必须以深度思考高职眼视光的专业建设、寻求培养创新人才的积极模式、对授课模式不断进行积极探索作为基础。 关键词: 高职院校 眼视光专业 实验实训 教学质量 评价体系 对于高校在