采用X射线反射法(X-ray reflectometry)测定了十二烷基(6)聚氧乙烯醚(C_(12)E_6)分子所形成的自由站立式(free-standing)泡沫双层的结构参数。结果表明:此双层膜中的疏水碳氢链区、极性头区和表面活性剂分子单层之间3个区域的厚度分别为0.90,1.35和1.31nm;电子密度分别为2.4×10~(-3),2.6×10~(-3)和2.3×10~(-3)电子数/nm~3;区域之间的界面粗糙度为0.34nm。泡沫双层中两极性头区之间不含自由水,而且其厚度在红外光线的照射下可变薄0.40nm;这可能是由于结构水被破坏所致。
The structural parameters of a free-standing foam bilayer formed by dodecyl (6) polyoxyethylene ether (C_ (12) E_6) molecules were determined by X-ray reflectometry. The results show that the thickness of the three regions of the hydrophobic carbon chain, the polar head region and the surfactant monolayer in the bilayer membrane are 0.90, 1.35 and 1.31 nm respectively; the electron densities are 2.4 × 10 ~ (-3), 2.6 × 10 ~ (-3) and 2.3 × 10 ~ (-3) electrons / nm ~ 3, respectively. The interfacial roughness was 0.34nm. Foam bilayer does not contain free water between the two polar head zones, and its thickness can be thinned by 0.40 nm under the irradiation of infrared light; this may be due to the structural water being destroyed.