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所谓科技企业,是指科研院、所的科技人员带着成果或技术“下海”创办的以技工贸一体化基本为特征的企业。本文仅围绕科技企业建立现代企业制度谈些看法。 一、科技企业的制度创新是深化改革和企业自身发展的需要 首先,科技企业制度创新,即建立现代企业制度是深化改革的需要。党的十四大确立了社会主义市场经济体制的框架,十四届三中全会作出了“关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定”,进一步指明了建立现代企业制度是我国企业改革的方向。综观科技企业的现状,尽管科技企业是改革的产物,它虽然没有国有老企业那种历史包袱和计划经济根深蒂固的痕迹与惯性,但是它也不具备现代企业制度所要求的基本特征,在市场经济条件下, The so-called science and technology enterprises refer to the enterprises that are characterized by the integration of technology, industry, and trade, founded by the scientific research institutes and scientific and technical personnel with results or technologies “in the sea.” This article only talks about the establishment of a modern enterprise system by technology companies. First, the institutional innovation of technological enterprises is the need for deepening reforms and the development of enterprises. First, the institutional innovation of technological enterprises, that is, the establishment of a modern enterprise system is the need for deepening reforms. The 14th National Party Congress established the framework of the socialist market economic system. The Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee issued the “Decision on Several Issues Concerning the Establishment of a Socialist Market Economic System,” further pointing out that the establishment of a modern enterprise system is the direction of China’s corporate reforms. . Looking at the status quo of scientific and technological enterprises, although technological enterprises are the product of reforms, although they do not have the traces and inertias of the historical burdens and planned economy of state-owned and old enterprises, they do not possess the basic characteristics required by modern enterprise systems. Under conditions,
1从荷载传递机理看规范嵌岩桩承载力计算公式对嵌岩桩传力机理的深入研究表明 ,较长的嵌岩桩多属摩擦端承桩 ,而不是传统观念认为的端承桩。实测资料显示 ,当l<L/D<20时 ,随L/D的增大 ,端
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流鼻血,应该做的和不能做的  不能做的  用纸巾或药棉堵住鼻孔止血。因为用纸巾或药棉堵塞鼻腔并不能达到压迫止血的目的,而且反复往鼻子里塞纸巾还会扩大出血创面,使鼻子出血更厉害。  让孩子往后仰头止血。有的家长认为,让孩子头向后仰,鼻子抬高,血就不会从鼻孔中流出来了。但是,把头仰起来后,血虽然不再从鼻子里流出来,但并不代表血止住了,它会“另辟蹊径”——流到鼻腔后方、口腔、气管甚至肺部,可能引起气管炎
树立危机意识 强化企业管理为提高企业整体竞争能力而努力──河北省机械工业厅1995年企业管理工作会议侧记马培中1995年全省机械工业企业管理工作会议于9月14日~15日在石家庄召开。这次会