摘 要:随着国内外经济形势的不断变化,市场急需具有较高的创新精神和实践能力的、能够适应经济全球化和国际化要求的、面向国内外人才市场需求的高级工商管理人才队伍。但是事实上高校传统的工商管理专业人才培养模式呈现出单一化、理论和实践脱节等现状,已经不能够满足这一变化需求。因此,对于高校工商管理专业人才培养活动而言,当务之急就是要能够构建工商管理专业复合型人才培养模式,完成对高校工商管理专业课程体系建设。基于此,该文从高校工商管理专业复合型人才培养模式的重要意义,探索当下高校工商管理专业的课程体系建设现状,最后基于复合型人才培养模式的特点完成对工商管理专业的课程规划设计。
关键词:高校 工商管理专业 复合型人才培养模式 课程规划
中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2021)03(c)-0163-03
Research on Curriculum Planning Based on the Training Mode of Complex Talents of Business Administration Specialty in Chinese Colleges and Universities
FENG Weihui DONG Zhe
(Shandong Yingcai University, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250104 China)
Abstract: With the changing economic situation at home and abroad, the market is in urgent need of high innovation spirit and practical ability, which can meet the requirements of economic globalization and internationalization, and face the demand of domestic and foreign talent market. But in fact, the traditional training mode of business administration professionals in colleges and universities presents a single, theoretical and practical disjointed situation, which can no longer meet the needs of this change.Therefore, for the training activities of business administration professionals in colleges and universities, the urgent task is to be able to construct the complex talent training model of business administration majors and to complete the construction of the curriculum system of business administration majors in colleges and universities. Based on this, this paper explores the current situation of the curriculum system construction of business administration major in colleges and universities from the significance of the complex talent training model of business administration major in colleges and universities. Finally, based on the characteristics of the complex talent training model, the course planning and design of business administration major is completed.
Key Words: Colleges and universities; Business administration major; Compound talent training model; Curriculum planning
关键词:高校 工商管理专业 复合型人才培养模式 课程规划
中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2021)03(c)-0163-03
Research on Curriculum Planning Based on the Training Mode of Complex Talents of Business Administration Specialty in Chinese Colleges and Universities
FENG Weihui DONG Zhe
(Shandong Yingcai University, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250104 China)
Abstract: With the changing economic situation at home and abroad, the market is in urgent need of high innovation spirit and practical ability, which can meet the requirements of economic globalization and internationalization, and face the demand of domestic and foreign talent market. But in fact, the traditional training mode of business administration professionals in colleges and universities presents a single, theoretical and practical disjointed situation, which can no longer meet the needs of this change.Therefore, for the training activities of business administration professionals in colleges and universities, the urgent task is to be able to construct the complex talent training model of business administration majors and to complete the construction of the curriculum system of business administration majors in colleges and universities. Based on this, this paper explores the current situation of the curriculum system construction of business administration major in colleges and universities from the significance of the complex talent training model of business administration major in colleges and universities. Finally, based on the characteristics of the complex talent training model, the course planning and design of business administration major is completed.
Key Words: Colleges and universities; Business administration major; Compound talent training model; Curriculum planning