传统的课堂结构一般是由1.组织教学;2.检查复习;3.讲授新课;4.巩固复习;5.布置作业五个环节组成的。多年的实践证明,这种课堂结构不利于开发学生的智能。其主要原因是: ①从时间分配上看它不适应小学生的心理特征。心理学研究表明:小学生是以无意注意为主要注意形式,有意注意不能持久。因此,他们最佳的学习时间是在上课的前20分钟。传统教学的课堂结
The traditional classroom structure is generally composed of 1. organization teaching; 2. examination review; 3. teaching new class; 4. consolidation review; Years of practice have proved that this classroom structure is not conducive to the development of student intelligence. The main reasons are as follows: 1 From the perspective of time allocation, it does not adapt to the psychological characteristics of the pupils. Psychological studies have shown that primary school students take careless attention as the main form of attention and that intentional attention cannot be sustained. Therefore, their best time to study is in the first 20 minutes of class. Classroom knot in traditional teaching