我所在的科室是个阴森的地方。我的病人一个个了无生气,他们面色死灰,目光呆滞,绝望地徘徊于弥留的日子里。时间久了,我仿佛也在漠然中有意退化。但当命运化作她出现在我的生活中时,我发现一团死气的生活居然有了阳光——她叫许欢,据说是托关系才被分进我们科室的。这个小护士除了一头滑稽的卷发外,并没有什么特别之处,后来我才发现她简直是个小女巫! 有天夜里,9床患者又开始乱扔东西了,他只有26岁,被诊断患了白血病。由于化疗,眉毛都脱落了,接着
My department is a gloomy place. One after another, my patients were lifeless, looking dead and dull, desperately hovering over the dying days. Over time, I seem to also deliberately degenerate indifference. But when destiny turned her into my life, I found that there was actually a sunshine in the life of a dead-her husband, Xu Huan, who was said to have been in a relationship to be divided into our departments. This little nurse has nothing special except for a funny curly hair, and later I realized that she was a little witch! One night, 9 bed patients began to throw things again, he was only 26 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia. Due to chemotherapy, eyebrows are off, then