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  烹饪 do the cooking
  摆放餐具 set the table
  收拾桌子 clean the table
  洗碗 wash/do the dishes
  把碗碟擦干 wipe the dishes
  把碗碟收好 put the dishes away
  倒垃圾 take out the trash/garbage
  洗衣服 wash the clothes/do the laundry
  晾衣服 hang the clothes out
  熨衣服 do the ironing
  叠衣服 fold the clothes
  扫地 sweep the floor
  拖地 mop the floor
  用吸尘器清理地毯 vacuum the carpet
  擦窗 clean the windows
  把家具擦亮 polish the furniture
  掸去家具灰尘 dust the furniture
  整理房间 tidy/clean up the room
  铺床 make the bed
  浇花 water the flowers
  割草 cut the grass
  遛狗 walk the dog
  喂鱼 feed the fish(此处可换成别的动物)
When I got home from school one day in April, I discovered a thick envelope that had come in the mail for me. My name was on the envelope, written in cursive[草书体的] letters, and there was a prestigious
Midnight, you come and pick me up  No head lights[车头灯]  A long drive  Could end in burning flames or paradise[天堂] Fade into[逐渐出现] view, oh  It’s been a while since I have even heard from you I should
Wherever you are  Well, know that I adore[喜爱] you  No matter how far  Well, I can go before you  And if ever you need someone  Well, not that you need helping  But if ever you want someone  Well, know
小编最近接到一些读者的投诉,说为什么“娱乐直播室”总是介绍女明星,甚至怀疑负责这个栏目的编辑是不是宅男一枚(小编真是冤啊,好桑心的说)。好吧,既然大家喜欢帅哥,安塞尔·埃尔格特应该可以满足大家的要求了吧?  你也许觉得安塞尔·埃尔格特这个名字有点拗口、比较陌生,但只要一提起《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars,简称TFIOS)——想起来了吧?没错,他演的就是身患癌症的奥古斯
If I only had one match left  Would I try to light a fire under you?  If I could only say one thing  Would it be what I’ve been wanting to?  Every time I close the gate  I wonder if this is enough  If
Salvador Dalí  教育或许是取得成功的关键之一,不过让不守规矩的学生聊感安慰的是,事实上,有些在历史上极具影响力的人物在其少年时代也曾经被逐出校园。大多数人被开除是因为恶作剧或者其他年少轻狂的举动,但也有一部分人——他们被赶出学校的原因正是他们后来赖以成名的品性德行。从萨尔瓦多·达利到埃德加·爱伦·坡,一起来了解一下这四位曾被学校开除的历史人物吧。  In 1922, future S
I recently turned 30. For some very odd reason I’ve not warmed to the idea of it just yet. However as I began to evaluate[评估] my 20s, I realised how many mistakes I’ve made and things I’ve learned in
什么是“脑洞大开”?  看完本文,你就知道什么才是真正的“脑洞大开”!首先,主人公是一个人,然后他假设自己是一个机器人,住在英格兰海岸边的一个农舍里,梦想着成为一只猫咪,一只不被主人赏识的猫咪。很奇特吧?这样奇葩的脑回路,加上令人忍俊不禁的细节描写,让这曲机器人狂想曲显得欢快激昂。  If I were a robot, I would probably not kill all humans. 
She was maybe six years old, smiling and ladylike[如淑女的] in a gauzy[薄纱的] white dress. The kind of dress that makes me want a daughter. The kind of smile that’s heavy on sugar and light on spice[香料, 调味品