抗日战争时期,作为大后方的贵州,对时事宣传主要靠报纸。现有资料显示,从1937年7月至1945年8月,全省先后办有各种报纸约1 80份。在贵州报业发展史上,解放前这一时期办的报纸较多,有些报纸也较有特色。究其原因有三:一是抗战时期关心时事的人增多;二是沦陷区的一些报纸迁到贵州出版,一些文化教育机构也迁到贵州;三是文化、宣传界许多名人避难到贵州,积极参与办报工作。特别是1942年,除贵阳增加《民报》等三种报纸外,还有兴仁、锦屏、台江、黎平、三穗、瓮安等20个县办了报纸。值得一提的是,1937年“七七”事变后,兴义县各界成立
During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Guizhou, as the rear area, relied mainly on newspapers for propaganda. The available information shows that from July 1937 to August 1945, about 180 copies of newspapers and periodicals have been set up throughout the province. In the history of newspaper industry in Guizhou, there were more newspapers run in this period before the liberation, and some newspapers also featured distinctive features. There are three reasons for this. First, there are more people who are concerned about current events during the war of resistance against Japan. Second, some newspapers in occupied areas have moved to Guizhou for publication. Some cultural and educational institutions have also moved to Guizhou. Third, many celebrities in culture and propaganda have taken refuge in Guizhou and are actively involved Report work. Especially in 1942, in addition to the Guiyang increase “People’s Daily” and other three kinds of newspapers, as well as Xingren, Jinping, Taijiang, Liping, Sansui, Weng’an and other 20 counties have run newspapers. It is worth mentioning that, in 1937 “seven seven ” Incident, Xingyi County was established