由中国妇女报和首钢文化与发展研究所联合举办的“首届女性文化研讨会”于2月28日至3月2日在北京举行。来自13个省市的150多位专家学者、妇女工作者及社会有关人士,就女性文化的一系列重要问题展开了热烈的研讨。现将主要观点综述如下: 一、关于女性文化的概念 一种观点认为,女性文化是指女性意识、观念以及反映女性意识、心理的文学、艺术、
The “First Women’s Culture Seminar” jointly organized by China Women’s Daily and Shougang Institute of Culture and Development was held in Beijing from February 28 to March 2. More than 150 experts and scholars, women workers and social stakeholders from 13 provinces and cities conducted a lively discussion on a series of important issues concerning women’s culture. The main points are summarized as follows: First, the concept of female culture A view that the female culture refers to the female consciousness, ideas and reflect the female consciousness, psychology literature, art,